The Comfort No Touch Health Paradigm Shift Is Here

 Dr. Roger Roff is a chiropractor who was elected to The South Carolina Chiropractic Hall of Fame and named Chiropractor of the year. He has cared for 37,000 patients from all walks of life during his 50-year career.

 Dr Roff did post graduate studies in Spinal Orthopedics at Harvard and in Genetics at MIT. He served as President of the S.C. Chiropractic Association, Chairman of the board of Southern California Chiropractic. He financed and managed over 100 health care facilities in South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia and Kentucky.

 Dr. Roff lives in S.C., is married and has 7 grown children. Dr. Roff is also an established inventor. He has patented a process to cure the Sick House Syndrome and rid the home of dangerous molds. His latest patent is a Multi-purpose hand extension tool designed to create a paradigm shift in the traditional methods used for personal hygiene after using the toilet. This device will enable millions of Americans who cannot reach those areas to be fully capable of self-cleaning and treating their private areas.

160 years ago, Dr. Semmelweis forbid doctors and surgeons entry into maternity wards until they had washed and dipped their hands in a chlorine solution because he suspected something on their hands was causing the deaths of up to 30% of their patients. This action dropped the death rate to under 1%! This was the first proof of the value of handwashing.

It’s now 2015, and 60% of clinicians and other health care workers fail to comply with policies of proper hand washing. As a result, the CDC tells us that there are 75,000 deaths per year in hospitals caused by new ‘hospital acquired’ infections, plus 721,800 infections that don’t result in death. Science tells us that most virulent infections pass through the intestinal tract and are picked up on the fingers and hands when cleaning after fecal elimination. The pathogens are then transferred to every surface touched. They double their numbers every twenty minutes. Example: 92% of cell phones are focally infected.

This all proves we need a barrier tool between the hand and the personal area to be cleaned. It’s important to note that only 19% of the world’s population washes their hands after using toilet facilities. With this in mind, Dr. Roff has invented a new tool to enable people to cleanse themselves more effectively and prevent the spread of dangerous diseases.

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